As a regional office of the Missionary Church, we're responsible for furthering the work and objectives of the denomination within our geographic borders. But we’re more than a denominational extension: we’re neighbors, church members, co-laborers, and fellow pastors, seeking to lend a helping hand to Missionary Church leaders as they impact our region for Christ. We share the denomination's commitment to, "being holy people of God in the world and to building His Church by worldwide evangelism, discipleship and multiplication of growing churches to the glory of God.”
We exist to guide and support local pastors and leaders in our denomination as they advance the Kingdom of God. We operate with four goals in mind:
Praying People
We are committed to being a praying people. In everything we do, we seek to invite the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us, so we can get in on what God is doing, rather than focusing on what we want to accomplish.
Strengthening Congregations
We help churches develop and strengthen partnerships with each other and develop qualified and competent leaders. The continued strengthening of all our congregations is vital to the health and future of our denomination. We seek to be a personal trainer, of sorts, for our pastors, lay-leaders, and congregations, so they can continually to grow into healthy, thriving communities.
Multiplying Disciples
We long to be part of a movement of disciple-making that stretches across nations and generations - a movement that finds a way to span the gap between head and heart; between knowledge and action. We’re seeking to redefine discipleship to include training in Christian living rather than passive learning, raising up a movement of disciples that make more disciples through the generations.
Planting Churches
From the beginning, our denomination has had a heart for seeing unreached people become reached. Whether across the globe, or in our own backyard, we’re committed to the planting and cultivation of communities of justice, peace, and Christlikeness. We join hands with Missionary churches as they birth and pioneer plants, create teams from existing churches, and partner with other denominations or local congregations.
The Central Region is an extension of the Missionary Church, USA, an Evangelical denomination committed to church planting and world missions. The denomination, as we know it today, was born out of a merger between the Missionary Church Association and the United Missionary Church in 1969. Our history goes back all the way to the 1850’s, however, when a number of Mennonite ministers were dismissed from their former churches for having prayer meetings, holding revival services, and giving public testimonies.
Because of our relationship and shared commitments with the Missionary Church, the Central Region is governed in all matters pertaining to doctrine, polity, and practice by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Missionary Church. If you would like more information on the Missionary Church, visit their website or read though the Constitution of the Missionary Church.